This isn’t going to be a long post mainly because the game that I’m talking about isn’t out yet and not much information actually exists out for it right now. However it comes out this coming Tuesday and it looks really good so I
figured I’d let you guys know about it just in case you did not already.
Tuesday of next week is the release of the first person puzzle game, The Witness. It is made by Johnathan Blow, the man who made the critically hailed indie darling, Braid. After Braid completed development in 2008, Johnathan began work on The Witness, he planned on making a short puzzle adventure game in the same vein as the Myst series. As development went on the game kept getting bigger and bigger until it reached the reported 80 hour size that it is at now. Jonathan even said that the game has one puzzle he thinks less than one percent of players will be able to
I’ve been hearing about this game for awhile but never really looked into it until a few days ago, which is when I realized what this game is and I’ve been really excited since. I am a big fan of the Myst games and puzzle games in general, and that incredibly hard puzzle sounds like a really good challenge. The game also features a beautiful art style that makes me feel like I’m in a Wes Anderson movie. One of my favorite parts about The Witness so far is how little I know about it. Myst and its sequel, Riven both had incredibly mysterious natures and puzzles. For most of the game you weren’t sure what was really going on in the vast world around you and I love that since of mystery and exploration.
You can reach the writer via Twitter:@EthanNathe26 and via Email: Ethan Andrew