Feather journalists recount news station visit
Emily Ladd – Dedication and teamwork behind the news
The first thing I noticed in the KMPH studio was all the sets I see on TV every morning. I love film and behind-the-scenes features, so being able to see their filming space was a treat. I had no idea that their morning and evening broadcasts were all shot at the same place (they use different backdrops and lighting). I’m super thankful Vanessa and I could look around and meet with the staff.
The second thing I noticed was the dedication everyone had to the job. Journalism isn’t a job that you just show up for. The staff is up at early hours and out late at night. They work hard all day, everyone we talked to demonstrated that. They all also had a passion for what they were doing, it was inspiring to see them working so hard to do something they cared about to share with others. They all love what they’re doing, and work with each other to do the best they can.
Hearing the team in the meeting room as they watched the previous night’s news was inspiring. There were no hurt feelings when someone made a suggestion, and anyone could suggest something to change or improve. They covered what needed improving and how to improve it. No one was afraid to voice an idea. All of them tossed ideas out, and no one had an air of being better than the others.
Everything is a team effort there. They all have a goal, and if they aren’t all working together well, they all won’t reach it. They communicated well, shared together, laughed together. It was great seeing the atmosphere and dynamics among the staff, and see some of our own staff in them.

Vanessa Wood – Friendly and rich environment
Growing up with a dad as a sports anchor, I knew quite a few things about the world of news and what went on behind the scenes in TV stations. When I was younger I would go with my dad to the station and watch Kim and Kopi on Great Day live right in front of me. It was fascinating to see behind the scenes instead of what you only get to see on camera. However, when Emily and I went to interview Chris Mabe and Wendi Lane there were some things I learned about the news reporters, writers and news director.
One of those things was the news anchors, director and writer all have a meeting and watch the night before’s broadcast then critique, compliment and find things that they can do better to increase the quality of their content. They would crack jokes at each other now and then but knew when to focus and take it seriously.
The environment was friendly and positive, everyone was so kind and polite to us. And they all seemed to genuinely love their job and what they were doing. When Emily and I talked to News Reporter Wendi Lane she told us how much she loved her job, she didn’t even need to tell me I could tell just by the enthusiasm she had behind every one of her answers.
Overall I had a great time and learned a lot about what goes into being a reporter and journalist for a living, and how difficult it can be, having to work long late hours, but also how rewarding it can be and all that hard work pays off when people come up to you and tell you how much they love watching you and are big fans and that makes all those hours of hard work all worth it.
Author Emily Ladd can be reached via Twitter, @ejLadd and via email, [email protected]. Author Vanessa Wood can be reached via email [email protected].