YouTube is kind of like duct tape. It fixes most things if you know how to use it right. Want to know how to tie a tie? YouTube. Want to know how to make a casserole? YouTube.
Recently, I have been skipping back and forth between running and a few different store-bought exercise videos for my workouts. One morning I woke up to find that my TV was having some technical difficulties and decided to give YouTube workouts a go. I typed in HIIT (high intensity interval training) and a library worth of videos popped up. In that moment I realized the extent of variety and possibilities linked to YouTube workouts.
First of all, YouTube videos cost a total of no money. I’m not incredible at math but I know that free workouts are a financial positive. Why get a gym membership or buy a ton of expensive videos when there are free workouts available at the click of a button?
Of course gyms and store bought workout videos may provide more instruction but many free videos are also conducted professionally and with safety procedures included. I recommend Fitness Blender, a channel focused on bringing free workouts to the public as one of your YouTube sources. Fitness Blender includes everything from cardio to abs to strength training.
In addition, YouTube videos change up the routine. Daily repetition of the same exercise can not only be dull but counterproductive to some extent. Many studies show that conducting the same movements day after day leads to decreased results. The body simply becomes too use to the exercise and will not continue to improve. This is related to the term muscle memory and is not a bad thing only an unfortunate one for people who do the same exercises day after day.
“By constantly assaulting the same muscle groups without rest, however, you destroy those muscle fibers before they have time to repair. You don’t let your body move past the demolition phase and into the building phase. Without rest and recovery your muscles cannot fully grow.” –
Besides being free and capable of changing up the routine, videos can be chosen quite easily to fit a person’s particular fitness level. Type in “cardio for beginners” and you will get a cardio workout modified for beginners. Type in “crazy advanced core workout” and you will most likely get a crazy advanced core workout.
The only problem here is that a person could go into cruise control. Make sure to keep on challenging yourself as you progress and don’t stay on one particular level of exercise longer than need be. The easy way out usually gets you right back into trouble in the long run (trust me).
One of my only pet-peeves about using YouTube videos to work out on a daily basis is time. Sometimes it’s difficult to pick a workout that will fit in the amount of time allotted in the morning or afternoon. Maybe it’s a little OCD but I like most of my workouts to last for about the same amount of time.
There’s really no good way to deal with this. Just make sure to allot a little more than the average amount of time per video and it should be fine. It also may be useful to create a list of your top ten favorite YouTube workouts as a reference point.
Also while there are a lot of safe and professional style videos, there are bound to be a few amateur ones that are not so focused on overall health. As a rule, never do an exercise if you genuinely feel that you could become injured in the process. Stop exercising if you feel more than the regular discomfort of physical activity. Discernment is a necessary trait in choosing the ideal video.
Lastly, the accessibility of YouTube in various locations and on various devices serves as a major benefit. All you need is a smart phone, I pad or laptop in any room in order to make it the workout room. Some TV’s are even able to stream YouTube now.
I highly encourage you to go out and change up the routine a bit this week. Check out some of the many workout channels on the web. Above all have fun exploring fitness.
The choice is yours. Will you be nutty about health?
For last week’s installment read Search Health Nut Health Nut: Home Grown Goodness.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @skylerklee and via Email: Skyler Lee.