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I have a confession to make. I have never sat down and really played through a Mario game. There I said it. And before I hear a million people screaming at me about how I am not a true gamer, think of it this way: growing up I only had a PS1, PS2 and a Xbox 360. By the time I could’ve gotten any Nintendo console, it was firmly solidified in my mind as the console for kids while I was playing on the more clearly adult consoles.
My birthday was earlier this week and for it I got a long overdue Wii. After that I picked up some games like Super Mario Galaxy. I have to admit that I now completely understand why people like Mario. Last week I would’ve said that it’s the bright colors and fun sounds that make people think they are having fun but no, the gameplay and design of any given Mario game is fantastic. The sheer fact that most Mario games are held up to this standard is amazing.
My only real problem with the Mario franchise is that it is seemingly impossible to make good stories in that universe. I have now tried a few of the games and the standout is definitely Mario Galaxy but even that has a kind of lackluster story and I may only like it because I am kinda partial to space things in general. This is a truly unfortunate result of Mario being closer to a Disney character than he is a real character with depth and emotion.
I am (I think) about half way through Mario Galaxy now and am looking forward to playing other series I missed by not having a Nintendo console. I have some Metroid games I’ve been meaning to try but I also have only ever played one Legend of Zelda game. Have any other suggestions for me to try? Sound off in the comments and I’ll be sure to give them a shot.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @EthanNathe26.
For more from this blog, read Checkpoint: SUPERHOT review.