As a senior in HS under 5 feet this is obviously my favorite topic.
People think about size in regards to health in several ways. They think about portion sizes, sizes of weights to lift and the body size they want to achieve or want to avoid. We however often leave out how body size and structure determines health techniques.
One of the most significant things the size of one’s body alters is portion size. A 6′ 2″ basketball player for example probably posses a much different ideal portion size than a 5′ 5″ accountant. The difficulty comes when subconscious social pressures cause people to overeat or under eat.
When friends and family eat a certain portion of a meal sufficient for their weight and body type, we are often consciously or subconsciously tempted to eat the same amount of food. We feel bad that their plate is empty while ours is full or that they are still hungry when we are not.
Overtime this may lead to weight gain and other symptoms of over eating. The point I am trying to make here is that size and shape in regards to health really does matter. One way to deal with this is to eat slowly and be aware of when you are full or have eaten too much.
Below are the four basic female body types (sorry guys the advice stops here) and how to best take care of them.
Before beginning I’d like to note that all body types are unique and beautiful in their own ways. God created us beautiful and makes absolutely no mistakes.
Those with this body shape tend to have more narrow shoulders and wider hips. Pears are in danger of accumulating fat in the lower body regions. However storage of natural fat in these areas do decrease the likelihood of several chronic diseases.
“When it comes to their health, however, pears luck out. Passive fat may actually help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, some scientists say.” — Health
People of this body type need to control their calorie intake and be aware of consumption of fats. Regular cardio exercises are recommended in order to keep the pear body shape healthy and in its prime condition.
People of this body shape tend to be more athletic, with wider shoulders and chest and narrower legs. They do not easily gain fat but may find it more difficult to lose weight if they do. Some researches suggest that those with this body shape release more adrenaline. However, this excess adrenaline may lead to cravings for instant- energy foods such as sweets.
Cardio exercises for most body types including the triangle is encouraged. There is an emphasis on upper body for the triangle shape as arms may be a bit weaker in these individuals. A relatively healthy diet and regular exercise plan will suit triangle body shapes perfectly.
The Apple body shape tends to have a larger upper body and a medium sized lower body. Like the pear, apples are prone to the development of fat in the waistline. Cardio is encouraged since it is perhaps the best way to burn fat and achieve slimness. A healthy low fat diet is also advised since these individuals are prone to high cholesterol and diabetes.
As the imagery of the hourglass suggests, these individuals have wide hips and shoulders with a thin waist. Those with this body type struggle most with flabbiness in the upper arms and lower stomach. Cardio and strength exercises are best suited for these individuals
There are numerous other body types too diverse to cover in this addition of Health Nut such as the oval, diamond, spoon and inverted triangle. Everyone is different and some body types may be a bit of a combination of multiple types. I encourage you to research your approximate body type and the sort of diet and exercises best suited for you.
The choice is yours. Will you be nutty about health?
For the last addition read Health Nut: The Cookie Monster under your bed.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @skylerklee and via Email: Skyler Lee.