Going once, going twice, sold! Hundreds of Eagle supporters and patrons have participated in an annual fundraising event meant to raise awareness for the campus school auction.
With George Freeman returning as auctioneer, the 24th annual auction will be held on March 17 in the FC gymnasium from 5-9:30 P.M. Although some of the money earned will be spent on different school activities, a large portion will go towards funding the new building.
?I love the sense of community (the auction) brings to the FC family,? Tim Wilkins, superintendent, said. ?Working together in many ways, such as donating, preparing desserts, setting-up decorations and sharing a meal together, are of the greatest value to me.?
Every year the auction features a dinner, silent auction and live auction. Administration and staff is still accepting donations to be auctioned. Last year, the auction grossed over $150,000.
?I don?t have an official number yet, but we hope that we will not raise any less than last year,? Wilkins said. ?We always strive to be bigger and better than the year before.?
Last years? donations included gift certificates, sporting goods and vacation packages. The featured trip was a five-day visit to the London Theatre. One of this year’s top items is a trip for four to Disney World.
Photographs of last year’s auction can be found on the Fresno Christian School’s website and click on the Pictures button on the top menu bar. The Auction 2006 photos can also be reached at Photo Albums. At the bottom of the screen type “auction” in the search bar.
While the administration hopes to gross a greater amount of money from the auction this year, the school?s income is not the main focus.
?As exciting as it is to set higher goals for the auction, I call it successful when everybody leaves the gym with a better understanding of our FC family,? Wilkins said. ?That is what I call true success.?
Although money is not the center of attention, every school fundraising event brings the first day of construction of the new building closer.
?Every year the auction funds helps bring us closer to our new building, unfortunately, we still need about another 2 million to start moving dirt,? Wilkins said. However, Wilkins gazed towards the blueprints hanging on his office wall and winked. ?Exciting things are around the corner,? he said.
Students that volunteer to work at the auction will receive full community service hours.
?I volunteered last year because I got to get in free,? Taylor Brower, ?09, said. ?I like going to the auction and getting full community service hours is a plus.?
All high school students are able to work during the four and a half hour period. Many students see it as a great opportunity to fulfill more than school requirements.
?As a Christian it is our responsibility to help people,? Elizabeth Grossman, ?10, said. ?Getting the community service time is just extra.?
For ticket reservations or donations, call 299-1695, ext. 100, or visit the school’s website at www.fresnochristian.com for more information.