Success requires devotion
Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to soar through the air like the gymnasts I saw on TV. As the Olympics captured my attention, I studied their every move, hoping to mimic their moves one day.
Commitment, perseverance and sacrifice are required in order to succeed in gymnastics. While I participated in gymnastics for nine years, the sport required more time and cost commitment than my parents could afford. Not only is the sport financially difficult, but injuries and sacrifice take their toll on most the wanna-be olympians.
The gymnasts who qualified for the Olympics, and won the team gold medal, had to give up their normal life of a teenager in order to achieve their dreams. Most of them were home schooled and spent 9-10 hours at the gym training. This was one of the main reasons I had for quitting gymnastics. The sacrifice it takes to do the sport required giving up the experiences that one gains in high school.
Even though I no longer have a Olympic gymnastics dream, I still love to watch the sport and see the way it impacts the gymnasts on their journey. Many of the gymnasts wanted to quit and give up, but they and their support system stuck with it and achieved their greatest dreams.
My love for gymnastics still continues, not only in watching the sport but in teaching myself the skills and remembering the joy that gymnastics brought me. When I was younger, the highlight of my day was going to gymnastics practice and getting to rehearse all my routines and skills. Though unable to continue the sport, I still practice tumbling skills that I learned and strive to do better.
Many elements in life require assistance to succeed. This can be applied in both gymnastics and school. In math, for example, students need the teacher to help master the equations, so when it is time to take a test, good grades are often a product.
Coaches spot overall skills, weaknesses and train athletes to be successful on their own. Dedication, commitment and perseverance are used to obtain skills, just like one does in academic subjects.
These elements are used in other subjects as well, such as history. Learning and memorizing all the facts in history can take a very long time and be very tedious and applying those lessons and using critical thinking takes even longer. Dedication and perseverance will help you obtain a better grade.
These life skills will benefit you throughout all your life. Whether it’s through memorizing, studying or reviewing, these elements of academics take dedication and perseverance. Take the time to apply and learn these skills will make you successful and help you improve.
For another column read, Thankfulness is a choice.
This writer can be reached via email: Sophia Kalugin.