By Alexander Rurik, writer
The Feather brings its readers weekly FC campus announcements published the first day of each week. This week coverage is from March 6 – 11, 2017.
As the sports schedule gets underway, consider supporting JH and HS athletes at our home games. The week’s athletic events are listed in the weekly announcements below.
HS baseball vs Buhach Colony, 3 p.m.
HS boys tennis vs Fowler High School, 4 p.m.
HS softball at Immanuel High School, 4 p.m.
HS baseball vs Redwood, 3 p.m.
HS softball at San Joaquin Memorial, 4 p.m.
HS boys tennis at Firebaugh, 4 p.m.
HS baseball at Golden Valley, 10 a.m.
Kids Day
March 7 is Kids Day! FC students will be at the corners of Maple/Alluvial and Cedar/Alluvial selling newspapers for 1$ each. Leadership members meet at 4 a.m. and The Feather members meet at 5 a.m.
The Feather
Members of The Feather staff will attend the CSPA Journalism conference in New York for the week of March 11-18.
SCCCD Placement Test
There is an SCCCD placement test in the journalism lab, March 10. Contact Michelle Warkentin for more information.
FC Auction
The FC auction will be held in the FC gym, March 25. Consider donating items or deserts to the school.
Board Game Club
The Board Game club will have meetings in room 623 from 3 – 4:15 p.m., March 7 and March 8.
Brother to Brother
Brother to Brother will have an on campus training for older brothers in room 629, March 7.
Sister to Sister
Sister to Sister will have an on campus training for older sisters in room 627, March 7.
International Club
International Club has a meeting at lunch in room 627, March 9.
Debate Club
Debate club will have a meeting in room 604 at 7:30 a.m., March. 9.
S.T.E.M. Science Club
The S.T.E.M. Science club will have a meeting after school in room 622, March. 10.
On Campus Hot Lunch Menu – February
March 9 – Wendy’s
March 16 – Teriyaki Don
March 23 – Chick-fil-a
March 30 – Wendy’s
The Feather Online continues to tweet each school day up-to-date news and happenings. All students, parents and community supporters need to do is sign up for an account and follow @thefeather on Twitter on Instagram and on Facebook.
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The Feather (www.thefeather.com) – @theFeather
Fresno Christian School – @FresnoChristian
Fresno Christian Sports – @FCEaglesSports
Fresno Christian Music Department – @FCSMusicdept
Fresno Christian Athletic Department – @FCSportsAD
Fresno Christian PE – @FCEaglesPE