What’s your favorite shoe brand?
Trends rise and fall as seasons come and go. High school students seek latest trends with anything from music genres and technology, to shoes and clothing.
Lots of sources lead to the influence of trendy brands. Social media, celebreties and advertizements impact the world, determining what’s popular and in style.
These trends consist of the variety of shoe brands. Students join the bandwagon of shoe industry by purchasing latest trends. Recent fad statements include rival brands: Nike and Adidas, Uggs and Bear Paw, and Birkenstock and Jesus Shoes. The question is, does the brand name really make a difference in the quality of shoe performance?
Athlete Jonah Lozano, ’19, prefers Nike shoes over different athletic shoes when playing football and baseball. He likes them the best even though they can cost more than other types.
“My Favorite brand of shoes is Nike,” Lozano said. “I think that Nike definitely has the best quality of shoe although more expensive Nike will definitely last you longer than other shoes. Popularity definitely has a huge impact on the price, for example, Michael Jordan arguably the best basketball player to play, has one of the most expensive sneakers on the market.”
Shoes are not only a fashion statement but also a necessity for sports and everyday life. The right kind of shoes can benefit students perform their best in games adding arch support and injury prevention.
This author can be reached via twitter @juliafikse via email: Julia Fikse.
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Kaylie Clem • Jan 18, 2018 at 4:12 pm
Awesome post Julia, this is such a fun concept! I agree with Jonah, Nike’s are my favorite athletic shoe brand.