Dear Editor:
Campus athletics are the binding event which tie school and fun together. In response to the April 11 online article, ìTrack overcomes size deficiency,î by Mary Kneeful, I would agree that a smaller track team gives coaches the time to give individual members more one on one attention.
This is especially important when one person is struggling with any given aspect of the sport. The only downside to track this year was the number of kids who came out for the sport.
I believe that we need a lot more participation from the student body in able to have a more successful season next year.
I had a lot of fun during practice running with my teammates, Aaron Ortiz, í07, and Damon OíBrien, í05. I also had a great time meeting new people during the track meets. Participating in sports is a great way to make a lot of memories.
Hopefully more students will open their eyes to the joy of participating in the sport.