As seniors think about plans for after high school, some will consider YWAM (Youth With A Mission). YWAM is an organization that places students and adults in a short-term mission assignment through out the world.
This volunteer program is divided into three seasons; summer, fall and winter. YWAM offers many different missions through out the year.
One of YWAM?s popular programs is DTS (Discipleship Training School), which places students in a six-month program; three-months training regiment and a three-months hands-on.
?There were about 30 people at the mission I went to in Honolulu,? Lindsey Martens, ?05, said. ?I became very close with the people I worked with and after six months, they were like family.?
Martens attended the DTS in Honolulu followed by the mission trip in India. She decided to start her future learning discipleship and gaining a world outlook rather than go in to college right away.
?I feel like I grew up so much,? Martens said. ?I saw how much bigger the world is compared to my own problems in life. I gained a world perspective and grew closer to God.?
Martens made India her home and learned to survive in a foreign country. The situations she encountered forever changed her perspective on life and gave her more knowledge she could find in schoolbooks.
?The hotel was crusty and I became pro with washing my hair with a cold bucket of water,? Martens said. ?You would walk out in the streets and the people would crowd around you and think you were famous.?
Martens left reality for six months and learned about her self and the world. This mission trip helped her realize how much she should be thankful for. She realized how much freedom and opportunities America has. Even the poor people in America have food and shelter.
A few students are considering YWAM on campus. Katrina Stevenson, ?06, has applied to the school in Maui, which is located in a small town called Paia located on the North east coast of Maui.
Stevenson, if accepted will leave June 3 and will return to California in November. The trip is split up in to two portions; the first part is the training, which will be in Paia, and the second part is the outreach will be announced once the students arrive in Maui.
?I think taking a year to grow as a person with God is an experience that will take me away from my everyday setting,? Stevenson said. ?I want to show the love I have been shown to others who have nothing, by giving the something to live for.?
Stevenson is excited about participating in YWAM and experiencing a new fresh adventure. Stevenson wants to take a year off the life of a student and experience a more enlighten way that God can work through her.
?I plan to return to college in January,? Stevenson said. ?I will go to Fresno State for a semester and maybe transfer somewhere else.?
Martens and Stevenson believe when God has control of their life amazing things can take place and unforgettable experiences help them grow as a person.