Mark Pimentel, 21, dissects a frog during second period biology for the classes’ weekly lab, May 3. Each week the class utilizes block period days to do labs.
Biology dissects pond frogs as a part of their current unit where they have been studying different classifications and characteristics of animals.
Dr. Karen Walters, biology teacher, assigns this dissection to allow students to see the parts of a frog they have been studying. Through this lab Walters teaches her class the similarities between animals’ internal parts and humans’.
Students have to locate parts of the frog including, heart, lungs, liver, tongue and brain.
The class also dissected squids earlier this year.
Do you remember doing this lab? Let us know is the comments down below!
Slideshow below includes images from second period biology’s frog dissection lab.
[rev_slider alias=”biologyfrogdissection”]
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2017-18.
Kyle Clem • May 22, 2018 at 9:00 am
Great post! I loved doing this lab.