Over the past year, 17 animated films have been produced, while many of them seemed to be lacking in one aspect or another, but Open Season delivers the laughs as advertised.
This most recent animated film stars Martin Laurence as Boog, a spoiled, domesticated bear who finds himself thrust into the real forest with no idea what to do, and Ashton Kutcher as Elliot the deer as Boog?s unlikely friend.
The story begins in the small town of Timberline, where Boog the bear has been raised by Beth (Debra Messing), a forest ranger. Boog had the easy life for a bear, but on the contrary, never learned any real forest survival skills.
When Boog is convinced by Elliot the deer to raid a convenience store for food, he finds himself in a lot of trouble. Because of the mess, Boog is forced to leave the high life and fend for himself in the wilderness?three days before open hunting season.
When wandering the woods with his buddy Elliot, Boog and the other forest animals band together and fight against the villainous hunter, voiced by Gary Sinise. Even at a disadvantage, the animals seem to find a way to scare off the hunter, and bond together as well.
One hilarious part of the movie comes during the convenience store raid. While Boog and Elliot trash the store, police cars drive up. Elliot splits, and the police storm in and catch Boog doing a wacky dance with an equally wacky hat on, totally oblivious to what?s going on?reminding us of an episode of Cops.
While this fish-out-of-water plot has been seen time after time, Open Season finds a way to bring something new to the typical animated film genre. This Sony Pictures creation is different because of the quality of the voiceovers. Laurence and Kutcher seem very enthusiastic about their roles, and they really bring out the laughs.
The film has tons of goofy humor for younger kids and, surprisingly enough, older kids and adults can appreciate many of the jokes. The best part about this film is that the plot does not try to be over dramatized or ironic. Open Season is a movie that people can sit down and watch with a bucket of popcorn and laugh at.
While the simplicity of the film may be what makes it so entertaining, it may also be a little too much. At times, the plot is predictable and some of the jokes seem a little too stupid to be taken seriously. Yet a viewer who would simply like to see a feel-good movie with a good message, Open Season delivers.
Those interested in Open Season can see it at Edwards Cinemas in Riverpark and in theatres across the nation.