As the school year draws to a close, the student body president will pass down his title and responsibilities to an upcoming presidential candidate.
Although student leadership members finish all school activities, and the stressful responsibilities of the school year end after graduation, the new cabinet of leaders are facing the beginning of a new year.
The student leadership class plans sports events and rallies for the student body.
While the entire class participates in activities, the Associated Student Body (ASB) president and vice president have the ultimate responsibility of ensuring success.
As the school year draws to a close, all candidates for ASB positions must run for office. This year, three-year student leadership member, junior Samantha Krikorian was the only candidate for president.
“Some of my goals as president are to really try and pump up the student body and make them want to be involved,” Krikorian said. “I would love to see our students become enthused about coming to rallies and wanting to go to the games and go crazy in the Nut House.”
For the school year ’07-’08, the ASB president has already been delegated some new responsibilities such as being a student liaison and communicating and coordinating between the administration and students.
President and vice-president work in tandem
A president must have a general knowledge of all activities and roles of other leadership positions.
?Being the student body president was a growing experience,? senior Jeremy Ramos said. ? It was a new challenge, and I learned how to work better with others.?
Although the president is the head of the student body, the ASB vice president must understand and learn all the same skills of the president. Sophomore Kevin Damm will assume the new vice president roles.
?This past year, I was mainly in charge of the (sports) intramurals,? outgoing senior William Heirholzer, vice president, said. ?And if Ramos ever needed help with anything, I was his ?advisor?.?
Although the ASB positions this past year held some responsibility, Heirholzer felt as though the guidelines were a little foggy.
?Kevin was always there and responsible this year, and he always new what was going on with every event,? Heirholzer said. ?Next year, since all the rules will be defined more clearly, I think that he will have an easier time understanding his responsibilities.?
Many students view a high leadership position as a lot of stressful pressure, but Damm views it as a privilege.
?I am excited for leadership next year because I am going to have more responsibility, which is fun for me,? Damm said. ?I ran for vice president because I thought that I would be able to change a few things such as the management of the student store.?
Krikorian and Damm will be officially introduced to the student body during assembly on May 25. The ASB speeches will introduce the expectations they have for next year’s activities. Graduation will be held in the Peoples Church sanctuary on May 24 at 7 P.M.