After three years of leading the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) club on campus, Bible teacher, Ellen King turns over her position. English teacher, Molly Sargent, will take over the management of the organization.
“Because I am only teaching junior high students this year, I decided to help Mrs. (Hallie) Rojeski out with CJSF,” King said. “I think that it is better that Mrs. Sargent is taking over because she has been on the CSF Seymour Committee for three years.”
In 1993, Sargent began to organize and serve as the adviser for CSF. In 2004, King took over the management of the club.
?The main reason I like being the adviser for CSF is the same reason I do yearbook and peer counseling,? Sargent said. ?I like to help students develop abilities that they wouldn?t normally accomplish outside of school.?
With a new adviser, new goals and strategies will be introduced to the club as well.
?This year I would like to include more kids from the student body,? Sargent said. ?I am hoping that we will be able to add some new leadership positions so that we can have more students involved in the organization.?
Because of the shortage of clubs on campus, Sargent hopes to expand participation opportunities to more students.
?I am hoping that by adding new leadership positions, we will be able to have more students involved,? Sargent said. ?By making it more a student run for student organization, the kids will have events going that they want to participate in.?
CSF applications for 10-12 grades must be turned in by Sept. 7 and a report card from last semester must be included.
For more information, visit Michelle Rose?s Nov. 3 article ?CSF celebrates 20 years?.