Your parents are out of town for the night, there is nothing to eat in the house and it is too late to order food. The responsibility of dinner rests on your shoulders. But do not worry; there are many simple recipes teens can make on their own.
Pizza is a favorite food among many, and anyone can create their own alternative with this simple and versatile concoction in just 20 minutes. The ingredients are as follows:
1 large flour tortilla
Any red sauce (pizza, spaghetti, etc.)
Grated cheese (any kind)
Non-stick spray
Optional toppings: salami, bologna, tomatoes, onions, olives, etc.
To begin with, lightly coat a medium-sized skillet with non-stick spray. Turn the stove’s heat to medium-high. Flip the tortilla frequently until tortilla is golden-brown and crisp.
After the tortilla is ready, remove skillet from heat and turn off the burner. Add red sauce, cheese, and any other toppings of your choice on the pizza and spread evenly as thick as you like. Return the skillet to the burner, cover and wait until cheese melts. Then your pizza will be ready.
Slice pizza as if it were regular and enjoy. This pizza alternative also goes great dipped in ranch dressing or with parmesan cheese lightly sprinkled on top.