With hands clasped, students stand side by side encircling the flag pole as they pray for the school and the nation. See You at the Pole (SYATP), an annual student-organized event intended to unite teenagers in prayer, will occur on Sept. 24.
Students interested in the event will gather around the globe fountain in front of the Peoples Church sanctuary at 7 a.m. to pray.
Bible Club leader and student body president Scott Orcutt, ’09, believes prayer and fasting can initiate change on campus.
“I truly believe this year is going to be a year of revival and it is going to start with a day of prayer,” Orcutt said. “As students gather around the flag poles across the nations we will see our schools changed.”
In accordance with recent rumors of spiritual revival on campus, junior Nacoya Villegas believes the day of community prayer will ignite passion among students. She hopes to see the campus transformed throughout the year.
“I am excited to see our school gather together and join in prayer,” Villegas said. “I believe there will be many hearts and lives changed because prayer is a very powerful thing.”
Buchanan senior Christian Tiscereno celebrates SYATP as an opportunity for different schools and students to unite as they pray.
“I believe See You at the Pole is important because it is a way to unite schools that would not normally be connected,” Tiscereno said. “We are all praying for the same things and wanting to see the same changes in our schools.”
Although the concept of the event may seem appealing, some students choose not to attend and arrive at school an hour early.
“I don’t think I will be going because it is so early in the morning,” Ryan Neufeld, ’12, said. “My sister is my ride and I would have to wake up an hour earlier in order to go.”
For more information on See You at the Pole, visit the Sept. 2007 article, SYATP unites nation.