The world of computer animation strikes back as Ice Age, this year’s G-Rated hit, stormed into theatres March 15. Following the path paved by such films as Shrek and Monsters Inc., Ice Age delivers quality family entertainment, along with humor that may be appreciated by children and adults.
With an array of colorful characters, such as Manfred the Mammoth (Ray Romano), Sid the Sloth (John Leguizamo), Diego the Saber Tooth Tiger (Denis Leary), and Scrat the weird squirrelly thing (Chris Wedge), Ice Age sends its audience on an emotional roller coaster that is sure to bring joy, excitement and tears.
“The dramatic friendship between Manfred and Diego really struck my heart,” Josh Justin, ’03, said. “It was one of the few movies that I actually felt like crying in. When it was revealed that Manfred had lost his only son and wife to hunters, I knew that the tears would be rolling.”
With a gross to date of $140.7 million after four weeks in the box office (Associated Press), Ice Age has proved itself to be a major contender among this year’s top films. Compared to the Academy Award-winning film, A Beautiful Mind, which has grossed $165M in the past 16 weeks, Ice Age has gone above and beyond its competition.
When Sid is deserted by his herd and his life is threatened by angry rhinos, Manfred steps in to protect the socially challenged Sloth. From this point on, Sid is forever attached to Manfred and their adventures along the way draw the audience into the movie.
As the characters are introduced and vibrantly illustrated, it is mandatory that the audience become emotionally attached. Whether it is the silent grief of Manfred or the jittery excitement of Scrat, connections with these intricate characters are sure to develop along the course of the movie.
“I like squirrel; I think he’s cute,” Phillip Ocheltree, ’04, said. “It was really funny when he got electrocuted. I almost felt sorry for him?.”
Woven into the complex plot throughout the movie, innuendos of hilarity pop-up at uncanny moments and surprises the audience. As well as wonderfully placed humorous occurrences, Ice Age seems to mock evolutionary theory in a comical fashion that may be pleasing to anti-evolutionists.
A struggle of personal integrity takes place as Diego is torn between his herd and his friends, with a human child in between. Manfred’s troubled past is slowly revealed and his relationship with the child is developed. As Diego leads his friends into an ambush he is forced to make a difficult choice, that may cost him his life.
Ice Age is currently playing at Signature and Edwards Theatres in Fresno. For more information on Ice Age, go online at