The spring semester contains multiple activities such as Night of The Stars (NOTS), Sadie Hawkins, spirit week and sports rallies. These events are produced by student leadership and are often celebrated at school.
However, the junior-senior prom will be held separately from the FC campus and adminstration, put on by students and parents. The event will be held May 2 at 7 p.m., and run through midnight.
Prom, run by several seniors, will be held at The Holiday Inn on Van Ness in downtown Fresno. The evening, dubbed “Bright Lights, Big City,” is offered to upperclassmen only. The formal dance is strictly parent-sponsored and not considered a school event.
?Prom is the one event a year that is considered normal compared to other schools,? senior John Dinsdale, one of the event coordinators, said. ?It’s one of the main highlights in high school and everyone, including our parents, have had the experience. I think that it’s important for us to be able to have that memory as well which is why a few seniors work hard every year to put it on. We also really appreciate the parents’ support.?
The Skyroom, on the top floor of the Inn, was booked for its elegance and extravagant view of the city, says Dinsdale. The room, with full length windows across the North wall, only accommodates a set number of attendees.
Tickets must be purchased beforehand for $30, paid to one of the in-charge seniors, including Natalie McCallum, Cydney Curtis, Danielle Ricchuiti and Dinsdale. All upperclassmen are invited.