While many schools dive head first into classroom studies, the Fresno Christian administration held a convocation on Aug. 17 to mark the beginning of the year. This time of worship, speaking and socializing helped unite the entire student body in preparation for the year ahead.
The campus community met in the Peoples Church Sanctuary for the convocation. Superintendent Debbie Siebert spoke on the theme for the year, “Go all out,” while David Martens led worship with the new team and school board chair, Phil Hinton, concluded the service with prayer.
“The theme serves to remind us to follow the command: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your strength,'” Siebert said. “The way I see it, one of the best and easiest ways to do that is to ‘love our neighbors as ourselves.’ The main reason for the Convocation is to remind us why we attend this school.”
Siebert suggested looking for ways to serve others. For example, greeting those we meet with a warm smile and hello validates and values the people we meet.
“In doing so, I encourage us to find parts of ourselves that add dimension to life around us,” Siebert said. “Explore the possibilities through academics and the arts. Find a passion and go for it!”
The start proved exciting for many seniors, who look forward to finishing out high school with senior “perks.”
“I’m excited [to start the year] because it’s the last year of school and I never have to come back!” Matt Stumpf said. “I’m also excited because senior year is pretty much ridiculous on the scales of fun.”
On the other side of the spectrum, incoming freshmen were indoctrinated into the hallways and systems of high school; many overwhelmed by the differences from the other side of Building 6.
“High school is really just a lot of work, way more than junior high,” Briana Graff, ’13, said. “We have to try a lot harder because our grades go on transcripts, so there’s a lot more pressure. Also, a lot of our friends left last year after eighth grade.”
Despite the worries of many students, ASB president Tatiana Fontes, ’10, maintains high expectations for the year.
“This year I am most excited about our leadership class, especially the spiritual aspect,” Fontes said. “It’s going to be awesome to have two chapels a week, because it will be a priority and not on the back burner.”
Siebert agreed with Fontes and expressed her excitement about an increased focus on chapel and Bible classes this year.
“Use Fresno Christian’s uniqueness to positively affect those around you,” Siebert said. “Do not hold back. Use Bible classes and chapel to find ways to be motivated. Ask hard questions. Be creative and find parts of yourself that add dimension to life. If you do not participate, everyone loses.”
For more information regarding the first day of school, check out the photo page.
Cynthia Ward • Oct 23, 2010 at 12:01 am
Great look, Tim! Glad they helped you! Go Dutch!