Over spring break, I will be spending six days and nights in Biola: a small community east of Fresno. I am very excited to have an opportunity to be the hands and feet of God.
I believe that volunteering in service projects over break is something that everyone should consider. There are so many places that need the support and encouragement that an individual or group can provide and we now have a week to do so.
I am convinced God has a spot for everyone who is willing to make a sacrifice. My hope is you join me and take the time this break to examine your heart, finding in yourself to be a part of something special beyond yourself. Service is what we are called to and it is the example of Christ set for us. And you do not have to go far for an opportunity.
If you have never been a part of a group, you are missing out; it is a blast to build, serve and play with youth as well a live out the gospel wherever you volunteer.