A replacement blood drive for campus kindergartner Max Hinton will be held May 26 from 1-4 p.m. in the high school parking lot. Potential donors must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with written parent consent.
Campus parent Michelle Devereaux decided to organize the blood drive after reading about Hinton’s need for blood. Along with Bible teacher Robert Foshee, she brought the blood drive to the campus community.
“The purpose of this drive is to store up a supply of Max’s blood type in preparation for his future treatments,” Devereaux said. “It’s also to show support to the Hinton family in a tangible way. I felt the FCS environment would be the best place to gather support.”
Hinton was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma cancer on April 20. Since being diagnosed, he has gone through chemotherapy treatment and a number of other procedures, including two blood transfusions.
Devereaux encourages students and parents alike to give blood at the event. Realizing that cancer treatment can be risky and difficult, she says donating blood is a meaningful way to help out.
“When there is little else we can do, giving blood