This installment is the first in the “Get to Know” series, a feature which aims to help students learn more about their classmates and teachers. A new installment will be posted every other Thursday.
In this edition of “Get to Know,” staff writer Annalise Rosik, ’14, interviews freshman Sabrina Kumar.
Rosik: Why did you come to Fresno Christian?
Kumar: I came to Fresno Christian because I wanted to go to a private school where a broad variety of electives are offered, and to have a good education without the amount of structure in Catholic school.
Rosik: What would you do with a million dollars?
Kumar: With a million dollars I would buy a luxurious mansion in L.A., and also purchase a midnight-blue sports car.
Rosik: What is your biggest fear?
Kumar: My bigggest fear would be preparing for the SAT in a few years.
Rosik: On a scale from 1 to 10, how good is your handwriting?
Kumar: 9.5.
Rosik: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Kumar: My biggest pet peeve is when people talk or whisper when class is in session.
Rosik: What talents do you have?
Kumar: My talents would have to be playing the trumpet, alto sax, acoustic guitar and bass guitar.
Rosik: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kumar: When I grow up, I am planning on becoming a psychologist and a writer or author.
Rosik: What is something that no one knows about you?
Kumar: No one knows that I constantly play video games or surf the Web for hours or more during the weekends.
Check back on Feb. 3 to learn more about senior Stephen Grimes.
Editor’s note: The photo of Sabrina Kumar was removed on Feb. 9, 2011, at the request of her parents.