In pursuit of bridging a gap in fellowship and benefiting the FC general fund, FCS is joining forces with Sweet Tomatoes to raise money for campus programs. The restaurant has agreed to donate 20 percent of sales generated by patrons who bring a flyer and eat at their North Fresno location from 5-8 p.m., Sept. 22.
Darbee Whipple, the Parliamentarian of the FCS Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF), headed the venture, and says that Sweet Tomatoes is a good option because of the quality and environment of the restaurant.
“Our main objective for these dinners and fundraisers is mainly for the fellowship and unity of our school,” Whipple said. “This fundraiser is probably the most fun for the school to do because you can just sit and talk over dinner, it’s great for the kids parents and the school benefits from it!”
In the past, the elementary school has raised about $100 from Sweet Tomatoes. However, Whipple decided to include the junior high and high school to generate more last year and made $300.
“We had an amazing turnout last year, the school benefitted and everyone enjoyed their time at the restaurant,” Whipple said. “It was great because not only did the kids get to hang out and have fun, but it brings the school itself together.”
Whipple enjoys participating in these fundraisers, and urges families to come out and join the fun.
“I think this event really unites the campus and student body, and I think it is great because it ties in the school slogan, ‘We Are One,’ this year,” Whipple said. “I encourage everyone who can to come out and have a great time.”
All K-12 students and families are invited, but must bring a flyer to the event and purchase food and a drink in order for their meal to count towards a Sweet Tomatoes donation to the school. Sweet Tomatoes flyers can be picked up in any school office or printed at the home or office here.
Sweet Tomatoes is located at 7114 North Fresno Street in Fresno.
For past coverage of fundraising events, read the Oct. 21, 2010 article, Sweet Tomatoes to hold FC fundraiser or the Aug. 22 article, Baja Fresh assists FC fundraiser.
For more news, read the Sept. 21 article, ClovisFest attracts local residents, businesses (VIDEO).