Dear editor:
I was deeply moved after reading Chris Chon’s article on his experience in Iraq over the summer. He did an amazing job describing what really goes on in other countries and what people go through on a daily basis.
This made me appreciate everything that I have including my friends and family members tremendously. I feel like I know a lot about Iraq’s culture after reading this short piece.
I was also pleased to hear that his relationship with God increased by this experience. He had an opportunity to get closer to him by serving those who are unfortunate and introducing them to Christ. Although he only spent three weeks of his summer, that short amount of time seemed to impact his life greatly.
Although I cannot go to foreign countries to help others like Chon, I realized that I can make a difference here, in Fresno. There are numerous activities I can get myself involved in such as volunteering at a local hospital, or simply donating few dollars to an organization.
Brandon McCormick • Jan 27, 2012 at 12:02 am
Pajama day was a fun day to just lounge around in comfortable clothing and just see all the crazy pajamas. Seeing Lynn Kim in her zebra costume made me laugh. I personally do not see how someone could sleep in that but it is their chose 🙂
sabrina • Jan 27, 2012 at 12:02 am
Love this picture! 🙂 My two best friends and I in our pj’s at lunch! So fabulous!
Logan Rood • Jan 27, 2012 at 12:02 am
I loved wearing pajamas today! We need to do it again soon!