Finals week concluded another drama in chapel on Dec. 19. The drama class presented a comedy called “A Conversation With My Dogs” by Wendy Wasserstein.
As the title indicates, some actors had to play dogs, namely Greg Tharpe, ’04, and Paul Kinnear, ’06. Lacy Hearnsberger, ’03, played their owner, who tried to convince the two canines to stop following her around the house and yard. Hearnsberger’s character was convinced that the only reason they do so is because they hope to get food.
As it turns out, the dogs eventually admit that this is true.
“The piece is an interesting look into the mind of a dog,” Tom McEntee, drama teacher, said. “And it turns out that all this St. Bernard and Scottish terrier think about is food?constantly. I think it’s pretty true to life. I mean I love my dog, but I know he just loves me because I feed him and scratch behind his ears.”
The vignette also showcased the make-up artistry of Rosie Walker, ’06, and Andrea Munoz, ’06, who studied and purchased the materials necessary to make Tharpe and Kinnear look like dogs.
“I hate wearing eyeliner, not to mention having hair growing on top of my nose,” Kinnear said. “It looks like I’ve overdosed on Rogaine.”
Both Walker and Munoz agreed that the hardest part was getting the make-up off the dogs’ faces.
“It took 45 minutes to apply all the make-up and hair to their faces,” Walker said. “It was faster to take the make-up off but I know it was painful for the boys.”
After the performance McEntee appeared pleased with the make-up artists.
“If these girls like doing make-up, then I’d love to have them continue working on perfecting their craft. Next semester we’ll have a lot of make-up needs.”
The audience response was positive as a packed chapel with students and parents laughed often at the many witty lines of all three actors.
“I knew the skit was funny but I didn’t expect the students to enjoy it that much,” Kinnear said. “However, I’m not sure the laughs were worth the amount of steel wool I applied to my face in order to get the make-up off.”
Drama will perform again next during a Fifth Quarter after the second home basketball game on January 12. They also will perform twice in February at two local churches with date, time and name of skits yet to be determined.