In order to assist the Fresno Rescue Mission, members of the FC chapter of the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) and history teacher Jordana Siebert will be traveling to the Vagabond Hotel to volunteer at Rescue the Children, April 28.
The Fresno Rescue Mission purchased the hotel to remodel it into a place for mothers and children who are in abusive homes, homeless or for families whose mothers are in prison. They would like to be able to house about 75 women and 100 children; they plan on opening around July.
CSF member Sarah Schoneman, ’12, anticipates the activity, and plans to return sometime soon.
“I’m really excited to see what we get to do; to see where these people will be living,” Schoneman said. “I think it’s amazing that were doing this because these people need our time more than we do. They deserve to have a nice place to stay instead of these destructive homes. I would definitely want to go back to Rescue the Children and help on my own time because it’s more important to serve than anything else.”
Although the club adviser, Molly Sargent, will not be able to attend the volunteer service day due to a CSF board meeting, she hopes that, with this project, students will want to become more involved with the Fresno Rescue Mission.
“I think that, by going to the Fresno Rescue Mission, students will become more open to volunteer work,” Sargent said. “Next school year, when the facility is open, I hope to bring members of CSF every week after school to tutor the kids that need help.”
Principal Todd Bennett agrees that this service project will be beneficial to the community and will aid students in preparation for life.
“Our mission statement is ‘Preparing young people for life and service for Jesus Christ,’ and I think this is a good example of us serving others in need,” Bennett said. “It’s important for us all to understand that ministering to the homeless and needy people is an opportunity to teach the love and grace of Jesus Christ, for he says that what you do for the least of people you do for Me.”
The students that choose to attend will be working from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and will be involved in yard work, painting and other general clean-up tasks. The service day is aimed for CSF, but anyone can attend. The facility will have volunteer days through June, until the facility is opened around July.
For more news, read the April 26 article, City of Fresno honors Feather with Proclamation.