The Avengers, cartoon-based movie that collaborated numerous superheroes such as Captain America, Hulk, and Thor was released on May 4. With an outstanding cast and storyline, the Disney movie stimulated the superhero fans throughout the world.
The movie begins as the peacekeeping organization S.H.I.E.L.D., gathers several superheroes in order to prevent one of the superheroes? brother, Loki from subjugating the human race. Throughout the movie, the process of different superheroes setting their differences aside and saving the mankind is shown. With quick actions and the use of computer graphics, it is safe to say that The Avengers is an expeditious movie. It captivated the audience and holds the position of one of the top movies to see in 2012.
At school, The Avengers was the main topic of conversation in the hallways and classrooms. Students who were attending the premiere expressed their excitement for the highly anticipated movie. Many students dressed up as their favorite super heroes. Some even brought their comic books and t-shirts to support the movie.
With positive feedback from the critics and FaceBook statuses about how incredible the movie was, my friend Viviana Hinojosa and I decided to film a video on the movie to see the FC students? view on the movie.
Most students we interviewed plan on seeing the movie and shared their enthusiasm. However, a few said that they were not interested in the movie since superheroes do not interest them. Whether the movie satisfies most viewers or not, observing the reaction of the FC students was very interesting.
For more information on The Avengers, read the May 7 article, ‘The Avengers’ captures Marvel superhero legacy. For more videos, check out the Videos section of this newspaper.
Sophomore Viviana Hinojosa contributed to this article.