On graduation day, a single sheet of paper marks the end of all high school memories. Beloved friends and family members gathered to witness the senior class of 2012 receive recognition for their achievements, May 24.
The ceremonies, beginning at 7 p.m., were held in the Peoples Church sanctuary, followed by a reception held immediately after in the Peoples Church gym.
The service began with a welcome from Superintendent Debbie Siebert, followed by an invocation by Mike Bruton who serves as Chairman on the FC School Board. Later, Principal Todd Bennett presented various awards, followed by the guest speaker for the evening Larry Powell, Superintendent of Fresno County Schools.
Daniel Andrew, ’12, recognizes the defining thoughts surrounding high school and his nostalgia toward FC.
“It feels great,” Andrew said. “You feel accomplished because making it through high school is not an easy task at all. It takes hard work and friends to make it through. I will miss seeing everybody. I have been going to FC since second grade so it’s like a second home.”
For freshman Sabrina Henderson, ’15, watching her friends graduate spawned sentimental feelings yet felt the night honored the seniors well.
“It was kind of bittersweet because I love all the seniors and I’m really sad to see them go, but it was good to see them graduate,” Henderson said. “Now they are going on to a different place and it was a really nice ceremony. When Brady {Lee} and Kenna {Wheeler} spoke it was well put together and it was just a really great experience.”
After spending time, resources and energy imparting students with knowledge, all FC teachers play a role in the lives of the seniors. For math teacher Jane Gillespie, she felt the ceremony ended the year strong and anticipates the coming years in the graduates lives; hoping their time at FC prepared them for the future.
“I thought the three speakers were the best all together that we have ever had. The reception had a great turn out too,” Gillespie said. “My hope is that they will face whatever lies ahead of them knowing who they are and what they believe in. I hope high school taught them how to think for themselves and stand up for what they know is right in a world that encourages otherwise.”
For seniors that were involved in musical groups such as jazz band, choir and ensemble, the graduation celebration included their last performances. The Celebration Concert Choir along with the Concert Band played “Song of Exaltation” before the speaker, while the Adoration Ensemble sang “I WIll Lift Up Mine Eyes” afterwards, all under the direction of Music Director Michael Ogdon. After the presentation of diplomas, the Senior Ensemble also preformed “I Will Follow.”
After years of participating in the FC choir, senior Brooke Stobbe finds that singing her final song at graduation to be only another performance, as she looks forward to many more.
“I’ve been singing my whole life,” Stobbe said. “Having ‘one last performance’ hardly feels nostalgic. Performing for people is so familiar, it’s hard to grasp the concept of an ending. I plan to continue singing through college, as I can’t imagine my life without song.”
Though Stobbe finds that at her last performance she will miss singing in front of the FC family, like she has for the past several years.
“There will be something different, though,” Stobbe said. “I’ve been singing for the same crowd for so long, it’ll be weird not seeing my dad [Greg Stobbe] in the audience. Graduation was full of ‘lasts,’ and having a ‘last song’ only added to the nostalgia of the night. Making music with those people is such a joy, the music department is a family within the family.”
As the guest speaker, Powell talked to the graduates focusing on the value of their lives. He shared some personal examples to teach the class that nothing can lessen their value as a person. While Powell’s speech was longer, other students also added to the added wisdom imparted onto the class.
As is tradition at FC, a few students represent their class by participating in the ceremonies. Valedictorian Wheeler, salutatorian Lee and Student Body President Chandler Vargas were the chosen students.
As valedictorian for her class, Wheeler prepared parting words for those attending graduation. In preparation, Wheeler was able to overcome her anxiety and enjoy the final moments with her class.
“I was really nervous for my speech but the day of, I practiced for two hours and I kinda had a heart attack but I thought it went well,” Wheeler said. “I thought the ceremony was just really nice it didn’t feel super long and I just really liked to see everybody and be with everyone for what might be the last time.”
With some eager for their next steps, and others dreading leaving the nest, graduation night ensues a wide mix of emotions. Yet their high school life is not explained in this one moment, but in the memories created over many years.