In celebration of homecoming week, there are many fun things planned for the students as well as the teachers to take part in. However, on Wednesday, an event that took the students by surprise wizzed through the halls and stairways including everyone from teachers to office aids to students: The Conga Line, Oct. 24.
Music booming, people tripping over one another and kids laughing, the massive line began to form, eventually reaching a length of over 40 people. Office secretary, Brenda Warkentin, joined the line in excitement.
“I love the conga line, I was completely surprised and had to join in,” Warkentin said. “It is so fun to watch everyone join in and participate.”
P.E. and Video Productions teacher Michael Ogden and Matt Adams, ’13, organized the event. Adams was the conga line leader, clad in a ridiculous 80’s style outfit with shades and all. The event was captured on camera by Ian Rustigian and Rachel Quiring.
In planning the event, Ogden hoped for students and teachers to particpate together in something different for the daily 10-minute break between third and fourth periods. He believes that students and teachers alike should take advantage of the spontaneous opportunities to have fun.
“High school is often times about seizing the moment with friends and have as much fun while doing it,” Ogden said. ” The conga line at break, which grew to 40+ students, was a great opportunity for students to do just that. At one point, someone turned the the hallway lights out which added to the loud music, dancing, and overall fun!”
At the beginning of break, the music played and the fearless leader, Adams, blew his whistle and lead the conga line through the hallways of the school. Lasting about 8 minutes, the conga line made several trips through the hallways and up and down stairs, urging students to join in. At one point in the break, Ogden and Journalism Adviser Greg Stobbe also joined in.
Junior Annalise Rosik has once participated in the conga line. However this year, she wanted to take a different view and observe the line.
“The first time this happend I was totally shocked and immediately got into the line,” Rosik said. “But this year when this happend I just decided to watch and observe everyone in the line, and I must say its quite funny and interesting.”
Junior Ileana See also observed the chaotic conga line.
“It is so so funny to watch everyone in the line, not only because they are dancing ridiculously, but also because they are dressed up in pajamas,” See said. “I love it when the school plans unexpected outbursts like this.”
Senior and queen nominee, Jenna Orcutt, has never witnessed or joined in the conga line. She was amused by the music and funny dance moves.
“I came out of class and all of a sudden music started playing and people danced into a line, it was so surprising,” Orcutt said. “I have never seen this before so it was funny and really entertaining.”
Ogden was pleased with the results of event and hopes to do this again. He appreciated the participation of those who were involved, but hopes to increase involvement the next time around.
“Overall, I think the conga line was a huge success,” Ogden said. “Unexpected opportunities to do extraordinary things have always been my favorite to be apart of. I think next time the goal will be to get all capable teachers and administrators in on the fun.”
For more news, read the Oct. 25 article, Students encouraged to participate in OCC.