With The Feather Online expanding its multimedia program during the 2012-2013 school year, two sophomores continue a video series started late last year.
Sophomores Christopher Grossman and Aaron DeWolf bring a new twist to video entertainment that will present news to the students of FC in a fun and exciting way that will engage their peers and to encourage them to stay online longer.
In the tenth installment of The Show this year, Chris and Aaron present a beautiful montage of their best moments so far this year. They reminisce over the memories they’ve made and look forward to those they will make in the future.
As always, John Dooman takes part in his very own segment: 5 Seconds of Dooman. In this rendition a clip of his gym workout is captured.
The hosts decide to cut short the episode and end by taking a nap.
After the credits are some extra Dooman clips, the editors knew they were too good to waste.
For more information, see the Nov. 1 article, “FC Underground 2012-13 Ep. 18 (VIDEO)”.