As technology has exploded in over the last few years, the number of students using smartphones has drastically increased. According to a recent survey, 68 percent of 175 FC students surveyed now own smartphones. The growing demand for smartphones has made the sale of apps one of the most important parts of the technology industry.
Students were also surveyed on the apps they most commonly use. Facebook, YouTube and Pandora Radio were the three most common choices. Game apps were not frequently selected, likely because of the variety of selections.
Top 25 Apps Used by FC Students
1. Facebook: 72 percent
2. YouTube: 70 percent
3. Pandora Radio: 47 percent
4. Instagram: 46 percent
5. Twitter: 27 percent
6. Emoji: 19 percent
7. Google Mobile: 17 percent
8. Skype: 17 percent
9. Pinterest: 16 percent
10. Netflix: 14 percent
11. Google Chrome: 12 percent
12. Angry Birds: 11 percent
13. Doodle Jump: 9 percent
14. iPhoto: 9%
15. Shazam: 9 percent
16. Spotify: 9 percent
17. Free Music Downloads: 8 percent
18. Fruit Ninja: 7 percent
19. Minecraft: 7 percent
20. Fandango: 6 percent
21. Cut the Rope: 5 percent
22. Tiny Wings: 5 percent
23. Bejeweled: 4 percent
24. eBay: 4 percent
25. Kakaotalk: 4 percent
In the UK, a report by mobile network O2 noted the amounts of time per day people spend using different functions on their smartphones. The survey noted on average, smartphone users spent two hours per day on their phones. Also, telephone calls have fallen to the fifth most common use of smartphones, marking a trend toward other methods of communication.
Activity per day (minutes)
Browsing the internet: 24.81
Checking social networks: 17.49
Listening to music: 15.64
Playing games: 14.44
Making calls: 12.13
Checking/writing emails: 11.1
Text messaging: 10.2
Watching TV/films: 9.39
Reading books: 9.3
Taking photographs: 3.42
Total: 128 minutes
While smartphone use is generally considered a distraction from schoolwork, some apps are designed to help students. This year US News published “5 Apps Students Should Use This Year.”
1. StudyBlue Flashcards (Available for: iPad, iPhone, iPod, and Android; cost: free)
2. Evernote Peek (iPad)
3. Graphing Calculator (Available for: iPhone, iPod, and iPad; cost: $1.99)
4. School Helper (schedule/grade tracker) (Available for: Android; cost: free)
5. Trello (group project manager) (Available for: iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android; cost: free)
According to Ashley Erickson,’13, her smartphone does not interfere with schoolwork.
“When I use my phone in my spare time I just talk, text and listen to Pandora,” Erickson said. “My favorite app is probably Pandora Radio. I don’t really think my phone affects my studies. If I need to look up stuff, I just use a computer, and I don’t really let myself be distracted by it.”
Spanish teacher Beatriz Foth noted that often students are distracted by their smartphones.
“I think a lot of the time smartphones are a distraction,” Foth said. “Even outside of class, I see students checking their phones. It’s like an extension of themselves, like they can’t live without it.”
Junior Adam Loughney recently received a new iPhone. He said that so far it has helped him keep up with assignments.
“I just got my iPhone,” Loughney said. “My favorite apps right now are two games, Angry Birds and Curiosity. I sometimes use my phone to help me in school, to find out grades on Powerschool. It helps me find missing assignments so I can check with my teachers.”
For more features, read Nov. 27 article, ‘Underground’ celebrates 20th episode (VIDEO).