The 30th annual FCS Auction will draw in more than 300 attendees and will be held in the FC gym, starting at 5:30 p.m. and lasting until around 9:30 p.m., March 16. In past years, the spring fundraiser has brought in over 100,000 to help bridge the gap between tuition income and campus expenses.
According to Principal Todd Bennett, he is excited for the upcoming event and has experienced only positive from the annual auction.
“We have put on this auction for many many years, and I enjoy and look forward to it every year,” Bennett said. “It really helps out the school and benefits everyone.”
The auction helps bridge the gap of expenses for student tuition, particularly in scholarship form, and helps fund the school in numerous other ways. The items being donated encourage higher bids.
“The auction is a huge help in terms of aiding a student, it keeps scholarships possible,” Bennett said. “The silent auction is great; that usually consists of deserts or restaurant certificates and giftcards.”
Some items being auctioned off are expected to receive high bids. This year, there has been a lot of hype in regards to a specific item up for bid.
“This year there is a trip including a limo ride, tour of the Grammy Museum, room in a nice hotel and tickets to the Justin Bieber concert for a group of twenty, all expenses paid for,” Bennett said. “There has been a lot of excitement due to this creating an interest in the auction.”
FC Superintendent Debbie Siebert explains some of the other items that are being auctioned off, which usually draw in a substantial amount of profits.
“We typically offer vacation packages, children parties, golf packages and other special events,” Siebert said. “We also have a full assortment of silent auction items such as jewelry, tools, purses and toys.”
The event is usually large in attendance and this year there is expected to be around 350 guests. Siebert expresses the joys of the auction experience.
“Everyone really enjoys time together mingling and bidding on items,” Siebert said. “It’s a great time of community and bonding for the school.”
Leadership teacher Robert Foshee encourages his students to participate and work at the auction in order to support the school in the form of service.
“I have always enjoyed the auction and a few of my students work at the auction in support of the school,” Foshee said. “It gives the students experience and also allows them to get involved and support FC.”
Senior Stephan Melendez has helped with the auction for two years and thoroughly enjoys the experience for all the memories he has formed throughout his time helping.
“Each year I have helped, I always walk away with new experiences and learn new things,” Melendez said. “I get to talk to people and have conversations while working the event. There is always a good turnout and I walk away each year with great memories.”
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @ShakeshaftEmily.
For more news, read the March 8 article, BRIEF: In the Mood to feature 1940s music.