I tell a lot of people they should join cross country. They usually laugh or dismiss me with some cop-out answer. But while you, esteemed reader, peruse this article, please have the decency to consider my logic before totally ignoring me.
First, I need to resolve a common misconception. Do not ignore cross country just because you are not a natural runner. Cross country is not for runners only, especially at our school’s level of competition. Cross country is for people who want to improve their running. By the end of the season, you will be a better runner.
Cross country and distance running in general are absurdly advantageous. The following are my attempts to promote a sport that most people do not find interesting at all.
A List of Very Excellent Reasons to Join Cross Country
1. I had to include the obvious reason, even though I already mentioned it once. Cross country will get you in shape. Besides the obvious improvements in speed and endurance, cross country also includes abdominal workouts every day. It is not easy, but you will be more physically fit. Running is also great to get in shape for winter sports.
2. Suffering is a great way to make friends. Cross country team camaraderie is different from any other sport I have encountered. It is closest to track, but instead of different practices for the different events, everyone runs and suffers about equally. This creates an alarming number of inside jokes.
3. It builds character. Now, I know this sounds trite and silly, like something the dad from Calvin and Hobbes would say. But it is also true. Cross country pays off in life. For one thing, it shows your prospective employers and college admissions managers that you are willing to work hard and improve yourself. However, cross country also helps you to learn to challenge yourself and persevere. Distance running prepares you for life. Why else would the apostle Paul compare a Christian life to a race?
4. As fall sports go, cross country is a relatively small time commitment. With only one meet per week, runners rarely miss class for cross country. Practices are only 2 hours and 15 minutes.
5. Some would say that this is actually a disadvantage, but I really wanted five reasons instead of four. So, here it is. The fifth reason you should join cross country is short shorts. If you hate the thought, that’s okay. Everyone else will look like an idiot too. But for everyone else, I will repeat this: Short shorts!
Thank you very much for humoring my attempt at recruitment. I hope you very seriously considered all of those excellent reasons. So go ahead, join cross country!
The writer can be reached on Twitter at @m00re_is_better.
For more opinions, read the Aug. 22 article, EDITORIAL: Going with the flow.