In this edition of “Get to Know,” staff writer Sara Peterson, ’13, interviews senior Mark Bennett.
Senior year tends to be a year of goodbyes and the closing of a large chapter in students lives. Despite the many changes that occur, Bennett has found something to grab ahold of and find some stability.
Bennett has attended FC since 2009 and has participated in drama for four years. Although somwhat reluctant at first, curiosity got the best of him and has paid off into becoming his favorite hobby.
Peterson: What sparked your interest in drama? How long have you been in it?
Bennett: I’ve always had an interest in acting and being on the stage; I started drama during my freshman year.
Peterson: Do you have a favorite production that you have performed in? If so what role have you played? Why did you like it so much?
Bennett: My favorite production would have to be A Christmas Carol, it was just so much fun. I was the charity guy and that was just a really fun role to play.
Peterson: Looking back at your very first production how have you improved throughout the years?
Bennett: Well my very first production was The Wizard of Oz and I was one of the trees that threw apples at Dorothy, who was played by my sister. But I feel like I have improved a lot just generally in the mode on stage and how comfortable I have become.
Peterson: What is your favorite thing about acting?
Bennett: I really like being out in front of an audience, it gives me this great sense of energy. It’s just a rush and it gives me this adrenaline that makes me act better and it’s just really fun.
Peterson: Do you still get nervous going on stage?
Bennett: Not usually, the only time I get really nervous is on opening night but other than that no; after awhile though you just get used to it.
Peterson: What has been your most embarrassing moment on or off stage?
Bennett: My most embarrassing moment actually happened off stage, I had four cues to go on stage and I missed one of them by a minute and a half. I was the only person that was off stage at all during the whole play, and so I thought ‘you know its really quiet out there’ and then I realized I had missed my line and rushed out on stage.
Peterson: So you are in Young Frankenstein with Good Company Players, at Rodger Rockas, tell me a little bit about the play.
Bennett: Yes, I am doing Young Frankenstein with Good Company Players, at Rodger Rockas. We started production on Nov. 14 and it will run through Jan. 12. I am in the chorus ensemble, I sing and dance, and I have a line. I do a lot of screaming at Frankenstein’s monster and its a lot of fun.
Peterson: What is the hardest part about Young Frankenstein for you?
Bennett: Definitely the dancing, I am not a trained dancer and so a lot of the dances have been very difficult. I am getting better at it, I feel that after every performance I have improved. It has also given me an appreciation for dancing, I don’t tap dance in the show, but there is a tap dancing number, and it’s because of this show that I now want to learn how to tap dance.
(PODCAST) Mark Bennett Nov. 26, 2013–
These writers can be reached via Twitter: @_sarapeterson and @gaby_siqueiros. Follow The Feather via Twitter: @thefeather.
For more features, read the the Nov. 26 article, Campus community reflects on Thanksgiving memories.