As of March 27, FC has been announced as one of 96 schools nationwide and one of ten in California to the designation of Support Music Merit Award winner. These schools set the bar in offering students access to comprehensive music education.
Over the 15-year history of the award, this is the second time FC has won, having also received this title in 2013. The award is announced annually by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation, a non-profit organization supported in part by its 9,000 members around the world which works to advance active participation in music making by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs.
The Support Music Merit Award program evaluates schools and school districts based on funding, achievement and student involvement, and the NAMM foundation, with the assistance of researchers at the Institute for Educational Research and Public Service of Lawrence, Kansas, evaluate participants on these factors. Designations are made to districts and schools that demonstrate an exceptionally high commitment and greater access to music education.
According to Mary Luehrsen, executive director of the NAMM Foundation, musical education is extremely important to the overall education of students of all ages, and in order for them to thrive and grow, it is helpful for them to receive support from organizations such as NAMM and Best Communities.
“These schools and districts make a strong commitment to music education in the core curriculum supporting its essential value to a well-rounded education for every child,” Luehrsen said. “Strong, engaging programs that offer students access to music cannot thrive in a vacuum. The Best Communities designation and the Support Music Merit Award bring hard-won visibility to music classes, programs and departments that are keeping music education alive in our schools.”
Because many teachers and departments often do not receive the appreciation they deserve, the goal of this award is to recognize them for the time, effort, wisdom and talent they pour into students.
“There are so many talented, committed music teachers whose programs deserve to be celebrated,” Luehrsen said. “The award can raise visibility and advance community support for these innovative, trailblazing music-education programs.”
FC Fine Arts Chairman Michael Ogdon filled out an extensive survey last November to qualify for consideration for the award. Questions focused on staffing of highly qualified teachers, commitment to educational and musical standards and overall school access to music instruction. With two full-time music teachers teaching a multitude of classes in both instrumental and vocal music each day, FC is able to prepare young people for a lifetime of musical involvement.
“We qualify because of our K-12 commitment to musical opportunities and performance excellence,” Ogdon said. “Fresno Christian has historically always made music a high priority in funding, budgeting and scheduling, and we see ourselves preparing a new generation of worship leaders, educators and artistic participants in churches and community organizations.”
According to Ogdon, the award is also given to reflect the high achievement of the FC fine arts program.
“Festival evaluations for elementary, junior high and high school choir, as well as band, jazz band, flag team and ensembles play a large role in evaluation,” Ogdon said. “Roster numbers reflect the priority students place on music, too. 80 percent of the elementary and 65 percent of the junior and senior high students are enrolled in a performance group class. If art and drama were included for award consideration, the percentages would be even higher.”
For more information on the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation, follow them via Twitter at @NAMM or visit their website.
This writer can be reached on Twitter at @JennaWeimer42. Follow The Feather via Twitter at @thefeather.
For more news, read the April 2 article Fresno to move forward with aquarium project.