FC has been my home since I was in kindergarten. From the arts and crafts in elementary to the power points in high school this school has allowed me to excel not only in my academics but my faith as well.
I have never experienced so much change in my life. On the day I graduate I will be forced to say good-bye to the teachers and fellow peers who have made these past 13 years the best they could have been, and hello to a new life at Vanguard University of Southern California.
I have met some of the best people at FC and I have also made life long friends that have and always will be by my side. I can only hope that more people will attend Fresno Christian so they to may get the opportunity I received at this special school.
FC has provided for me in more ways then I could have imagined. From the times we were given to worship God to the the teachers who took time to listen to the problems I was facing and offer advice, and to the athletic programs that gave everyone a chance to be apart of, I am truly grateful to graduate with so many opportunities and lessons under my belt.
The best experiences of my high school career came from the cheer program at FC. I have been blessed to be apart of the varsity cheer squad all four years of high school. While the training for cheer camps were rigorous, and the practices for competition were exhausting I have realized that those were the times that my squad and I grew that much closer.
I love cheerleading and being in front of a crowd in my uniform because it allowed me to feel like I had a higher purpose at the school. I am sad to say good-bye to that part of my life but I am thrilled to see where the young women who I became so close to, will take the cheer program next year.
While being apart of the cheer program was one of the best memories I have made at FC there have been a few more that I would like to share. This year’s homecoming was definitely the highlight of my senior year. Being crowned homecoming queen was such an honor and I felt extremely humbled by the nomination.
My favorite memories come from the events held at FC. From Night of the Stars (NOTS), Sadie’s, Powderpuff, rallies, cheer competitions, dress-up days, senior retreat, New York with my journalism staff and visting the kids at Children’s Hospital Central California; all of these have made high school so wonderful and unforgettable.
I think the most important part of high school that I have learned is to give all the experiences, all the good and bad moments to God. He shown me countless times how good he truly is. He can make any good experience better and any bad moment into good one. He has taken such good care of me through these past four years and I know he will continue to take care of me.
I pray that the hearts of the students and staff at FC will continue to seek after Jesus in a passionate way. That they will seek Him daily and never stop trusting Him. I will be the first to say that I have lacked faith in Him countless times through the years but time after time he still reminds me how faithful he is. I will never forget what Fresno Christian has given me and I surely will not forget how Jesus has allowed me to grow in this amazing school.
This writer can be reached on Twitter at @han_avila. Follow The Feather via Twitter at @thefeather.
For more opinions, read the May 21 article Senior transitions to high school, blossoms.