“A simple definition of a leader is someone others will follow,” Ellen King, world history teacher, said. “They exhibit confidence and an ability to clearly communicate with people.”
King gives her students unique opportunities to learn about important life skills such as leadership through history class. She has been on staff for two and a half years and attempts to focus on building strong relationships with her students while acting as a leader in the classroom.
“Mrs. King always has a Christ-like attitude,” Laurel Hutton, ’05, said. “She is always really interested in the lives of her students and I really enjoy being in her class.”
During October, King’s class explored the qualities of a leader through historic figures.
“In class we are discussing the qualities of a leader,” King said. “Students were required to interview their parents and find out what qualities they look for in leaders.””
Each of the students had their own ideas about leaders and the qualities it took to lead people.
“A leader represents a person with character and integrity,” Kristen Jenkins, ’07, said, “someone who isn’t afraid to try and isn’t afraid of failure.”
Then the students looked more in depth into the qualifications and leadership capabilities of the candidates running for governor. Students presented their findings to the other class members through the avenue of campaign posters and speeches.
“A good leader today must be confident in what he does, not only for himself but for others,” Eric Beneke, ’07, said. “A governor must be honest, respectful of people, has a standard of morality, able to lead people and able to delegate.”
This lesson was timely because of the recent California Governor recall election as Arnold Schwarzenegger defeated current Governor Gray Davis.
The class also researched the leadership qualities of men and women who lived during the Roman Empire. Currently students are researching the backgrounds of Rome’s leaders, government and military officials and Roman home life.
“I am learning that the qualities of a Roman leader are much like today,” John Petrogonas, ’07, said. “A Roman Emperor needed to have the respect of his army as well as the people of Rome. Marcus Aurelius had many of these qualities; he led the army into battle but lived like a common person. This gained the respect of his citizens.”
Over the last two weeks of October, individuals will give oral presentations on their findings to the class.
For more information on world history, contact King through the high school office at (559) 297-9464, ext. 167.” “members.aol.com/Heraklit1/marcus.htm#marcus” “Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D.” “” “” “Insert text here