After eight years of staying clean and sober, guest speaker Flindt Anderson of Valley Christian Center agreed to share his testimony in chapel, Nov. 13.
Anderson spent 35 minutes recounting the many struggles and problems he experienced throughout his teenage and adult years due to drug and alcohol addictions.
He spoke in order to help students of all ages overcome the temptations of different drugs. Anderson first shared his testimony several years ago for the Salvation Army. Now, he participates in Fresno mayor Alan Autry’s, not pictured, Drug Free Fresno program by speaking at local schools.
While several other schools have contacted Anderson, his next appearance will be at the Fresno Rescue Mission for a men’s bible study, Dec. 2.
To contact Anderson, e-mail him or call (559) 978-9239.
For more information on chapel, visit Chapel rights and Worship team to perform Peoples Church youth chapel.