Dear editor,
In the May 4 article, “”Spirit Week inspires””, by Mona Yanzdanpanah, I was glad to see that people were excited about getting involved in school activities and showing their spirit during Spirit Week.
As a new student to the school, I have noticed a difference in the moral of a lot of people who attend Fresno Christian. I have to agree with Carina Moran who stated, “”If everyone at school gets into it and has fun with it, it could be a crazy fun week…just have fun with it and don’t complain.””
Many times when activities are planned, the student body is quick to judge without thinking about the memories and fun times they are cutting themselves out of.
If our attitudes could change and our actions be more productive, high school would mean much more than just four years we have to endure. Student leadership puts a lot of time and thought into planning events.
If we were to put half as much effort into dresssing up and going to events as many do complaining, it would be a awesome year.
I appreciate the participation many of the students show, they make the best of every event even when the majority is against them. Make it a point to change your attitude and you are guaranteed to see a difference in our school spirit.
GET INVOLVED students, and stop the complaining!