Instead of going to their first period class, some seniors opted to take one of three Fresno City College (FCC) placement tests, Feb. 25. The tests were administered by Michele Ruby, left, Fresno City’s assessment coordinator, who says the exam is needed in order to attain the best placement at FCC.
“Community College, because they have an open enrollment policy — we don’t have that [SAT or ACT scores] requirement. But we still want to know how much they [students] know,” Ruby said. “The placement test is used to determine what level to start them at.”
Placements tests are given in mathematics and English to determine whether students are ready for collegiate-level courses.
According to Ruby, if students decide not to go through the examination process and then attend FCC, they will miss out on the more challenging classes, as opposed to students who take the test.
“If they [students] don’t take the test, they start at the lowest level — so the reason for the placement test is that you [students] want to start at the top of the pile instead of the bottom, if at all possible,” Ruby said.
For more photos, check out Time to celebrate or Blue boys.