As students and teachers arrive on campus each morning, tensions, and the occasional temper, burst. The fight for parking spaces continues each morning.
Many students, unable to find a spot to park in, end up coming late to their first period class, their tardies mounting from one to two to three.
For campus drivers, a new type of parking turmoil will soon begin.
The new parking system, to be implemented on Sept. 27, institutes the purchase of a parking pass for $10 per semester. These passes will be required for parking in the campus parking lots.
“I feel that this new system is a good thing,”” Traci Jones, P.E. teacher, said. “”It gives the seniors on campus privileges.”
Not everyone sees the passes as a good idea.
“I think this pass system stinks,” Dori Richardson, ’05, said. “But, the money will go for a good cause.”
The yearbook class plans to use the funds raised to add extra color pages to the yearbook.
For more information, contact the high school office at 299-1695, ext. 5.