After weeks of brainstorming original ideas, students in the campus economics class were ready to sell their products to the student body. Shoppers carefully scoped each table while contemplating their options as the sellers enticed them to purchase their original products.
The annual Economics Project Fair was held the on April 8 in the Ground Zero courtyard, giving students a chance to showcase their skills to the student body.
?The goal of the entrepreneur projects was to allow students to take what they learned in the book and apply it to real life,? Robert Foshee, economics teacher, said. ?I think that they used their creativity and saw firsthand some of the basic steps it takes to create, market and sell products.?
Foshee saw the event as a key learning experience, a chance for the students to put to use what they had learned. The students themselves were excited to sell their products.
?It was exciting to sell my product to the student body,? Carina Moran, ?05, said. ?We created tropical smoothies. I have learned that creating and advertising for a product can be challenging and fun. People really liked our product, and it was great to see how they responded to our smoothies.?
Products ranged from tasty tropical teats and lip-gloss to original duct tape wallets. Coming up with inventive ideas was a challenge for some, while others enjoyed brainstorming inventive products.
?It was hard at first to think of a product,? Carson Belmont, ?05, said. ? My partner and I spent a long time trying to think of a practical idea that we could make and sell at the economics fair.?
Those students who are not currently in economics enjoyed seeing the outcome of the project, anticipating the year when they can create and sell their own products.
?I think it was exciting to see all the things that they made and sold,? Tara Albertson, ?06, said. ? I think that it would be fun to market your own product to the student body.?
The fair was held in the courtyard between Building 6 and Ground Zero. For more information on this event, contact the high school office at (559) 299-1695.