Instead of the yearbook class charging only juniors and seniors with cars $10 for parking passes, they should just up the prices on the yearbook. After reading Jennifer Rose’s online (Sept. 15) article, “Parking lot tensions spur change,” I agree with Dori Richardson’s comment, and I think that parking rights should be on a first come, first serve basis.
Parking passes were created to accommodate juniors and seniors who could not find parking places in the main parking lot. That problem caused many tardies and raised tempers. But now, only certain juniors receive a pass through a lottery system.
I don’t agree with the lottery technique because not everyone who receives a pass cares about it. Some people sell their passes, and some did not pay for theirs until they got the passes about four weeks later.
If you get to school on time then you get a parking spot; that should be it. It is the student’s own fault if they are late and don’t get a spot to park.