Throughout the Valley, schools, community organizations and local police departments team up to sell special edition Fresno Bee newspapers on Kids Day to benefit patients at Valley Children’s Hospital. Before the sun begins to rise, schools make their mark at traffic intersections across the county to begin selling hard copy editions, March 8.
For years, students on The Feather staff as well as FC student leadership have come together to support Valley Children’s in the 29th annual Kids Day. At cross streets Alluvial and Cedar as well as Alluvial and Maple, students at FC will gather together. As early as 4 a.m., students arrive with as much coffee to get them through the morning.
The leadership team will be in charge of cross streets Alluvial and Cedar. The Feather will be hosting Alluvial and Maple. From about 4-9 a.m. will be the approximate time that students a FC will be selling papers. Anyone looking join in on selling newspapers for Valley Children’s are welcome to join.
Leadership member, Trevor Trevino, ’17, will help sell newspapers for his third year.
I think it is good to have an opportunity to serve our community and help raise money for Valley Children’s. This will be my first year selling newspapers. I’m not excited to wake up early but the experience will be worth it. — Marissa Parker
“I am excited to get up early for Kids Day,” Trevino said. “It is a good experience to hand out newspapers and be able to raise money for kids at Valley Children’s. It is cool to be able to sell newspapers for a day and meet all the people that buy them.”
The opportunity to sell papers is not just open to leadership and Feather students but to any other students who want to join. Marissa Parker, ’17, will sell papers for her first time on Kid’s Day and looks forward to helping the community.

“I think it is good to have an opportunity to serve our community and help raise money for Valley Children’s,” Parker said. “This will be my first year selling newspapers. I’m not excited to wake up early but the experience will be worth it.”
Co-editor-in-chief, Rees Roggenstein, believes that it is important for the community to get involved on Kid’s Day.
“I think that it’s important for the community to rally behind this cause,” Roggenstein said. “Helping children who are in need is one of the noblest endeavors and one of the most selfless. I hope that The Feather staff joins me in helping raise funds for this cause.”
ABC30 and The Fresno Bee are the largest local sponsors of the annual event. This year organizers are hoping to raise over $550,000.
For more news, read Brief: Little Black Dress Fundraiser, serve underprivileged.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @jennypenny8835 and via Email: Jenny King.