Get to know first year FC student Javier Carrillo

Every month The Feather highlights one individual from the student body who demonstrates exemplary character and or admirable dedication to classes or extracurricular activities. Teachers choose those who display the before mentioned characteristics in the classroom setting. The objective of the following article is to honor the effort of students to live by Caleb Code Standards: Seek Truth, Speak Life, Serve Others.
Javier Carrillo, ‘18, earned the title of Featured Student for March. English teacher Andrea Donaghe nominated the sophomore for his active participation in class and his efforts to finish all expected of him.
“Javier has been a student that perseveres, completes all tasks on time and to the best of his ability,” Donaghe said. “He is willing to ask for clarity to get his assignments done well and is kind to others. Although he would not be described as the ‘loudest’ in class, he participates in class discussions, works well with others and laughs at my jokes.”
One of Carrillo’s most prevalent hobbies and interest is cars. Carrillo first became interested in cars because of a friend who also possessed a strong affection for them. He sets the Ferrari F12 as his absolute dream car. However for a first car Carrillo finds a Nissan 350z more reachable. The car enthusiast plans to work hard in order to gain enough money to purchase the vehicle.
Carrillo says he enjoys the sense of freedom cars provide and is intrigued with the way they function.
“My friend Miguel was actually the one who got me into cars and that was in the 7th grade,” Carrillo said. “I like them a lot because they’re just fun things to mess with. I also love the freedom a car can give you because you can go wherever you want with it.”
Carrillo says that on some weekends his friends or his Dad will drive out with him to the countryside to bond and experiment with the mechanics of cars. For instance, he changed the front wheels and turned up the stereo system of the family’s 2010 Nissan Versa.
“On some weekends I go with a couple of friends or just me and my girlfriend or with my Dad,” Carrillo said. “We will just go to these dirt lots and mess with the cars there. We usually try to empty it out so we can reduce weight. It’s basically just a group of people messing around and having fun.”
A good work ethic is one of the most important things. It can help you set your future pretty much. If you have a really good work ethic you’ll make sure to get all of your stuff done at school which will help you get to a better college which will in the end get you a better job. It’s also just a really great trait to have. —Javier Carrillo
Mathematics stands as Carrillo’s favorite subject at FC. He enjoys English class because it comes easy to him but says he learns the most in math.
“The easiest subject for me is probably English right now,” Carrillo said. “ I go in do my work and then am just done. I guess my favorite subject though would have to be math because I feel like that’s where I learn the most.”
On Carrillo’s free time he watches Netflix and listens to music in order to relax. He likes a variety of genres such as rap, classic rock and alternative. However, the majority of his music falls into the rap genre. His favorite artist is Logic because he listened to him for the longest amount of time.
As a young child Carrillo learned kickboxing and jiu jitsu. He graduated from kickboxing and reached the maximum level of jiu jitsu at age 14.
Carrillo says a strong work ethic is among one of the most valuable traits to possess. He believes hard work will help a person accomplish even the most difficult of goals.
“A good work ethic is one of the most important things,” Carrillo said. ” It can help you set your future pretty much. If you have a really good work ethic you’ll make sure to get all of your stuff done at school which will help you get to a better college which will in the end get you a better job. It’s also just a really great trait to have.”
Carrillo attends Peoples Church and sometimes Northwest on Sundays.
After volunteer work at the Community Food Bank on Kids’ Day 2016 Carrillo wanted to volunteer again at the same location and returned three more times. He found the experience both enjoyable and helpful to the community.
According to Carrillo his family often gathers together to share in traditional Mexican food and family bonding time for the holidays.

“Christmas time we make a bunch of Mexican food,” Carrillo said. “ It’s usually random but we will just have a huge family gathering and grill a bunch of food. Besides that we always celebrate the regular holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day.”
Mother, Carina Carrillo, describes her son as calm and intelligent. She says they hope he grows up to help others.
“Javier is introverted easy going and smart,” Carrillo said. ” As for chores he has to clean the dishes , the cars, his room and take out all of the trash, plus clean up after the dog and recycle the cans we save up. We hope that in the future he will be a blessing to many people.”
In the future, Carrillo plans to either become a engineer or go into business. He hopes to attend a school close to a bay such as in Santa Barbara or Cal Poly.
Fun Facts about Javier Carrillo
- Javier’s favorite animal is a Husky dog.
- According to Javier If he was an animal it would be a sloth.
- If Javier could have any superpower it would be to teleport.
- Javier likes too many movies to decide on just one.
- He read the first book of the Hunger Games in one day.
For the Featured Student of Feb read Featured Student: Fiona Soto explores wide range of interests.
For more features, please read Kids Day 2016 recap.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @skylerklee and via Email: [email protected].
Anthony • Mar 11, 2016 at 1:43 pm
Right on!!!!! Nissan 350z is like one of my dream cars! I mean yea the Ferrari F12 is a cool car in all but,not practical. I get it , twelve cylinder and all wheel drive and four seats. Nothing is really gained as far as seats because the California also has four seats and the both have about 5 or so inches of leg room. The overall shape looks more like the Porsche Panamera. So really over all your gaining is the 12 cylinder engine because, the F12 is priced in the $299,999 -$399,999 and is really no better than the Panamera ($60,000-$100,000) or the Ferrari California ($125,000-$325,000).
Griffin Schmidt • Mar 11, 2016 at 1:21 pm
Great job Javier! Great article.