“I want to be able to have a place to share my love for this medium with others, so here’s this blog. Hopefully, if you read this, you can learn more about movies, TV, the process of filming or animating, or maybe just get more interested in the art.”
That was the last paragraph of the first Frame Rate post. (You can’t find it anymore, since The Feather switched sites the original blog site came down). Now it’s two years later, and Frame Rate has to come to a close. I’d love to keep writing it for The Feather, but seeing as how I’m graduated from the school in a few weeks, it might be a little difficult.
This blog ran for 50+ posts. 50+ posts of movie reviews, suggestions, symbolism, encouragement, and questions all about film. From Swedefest, to symbolism in Labyrinth and the Bourne movies, and pep talks sort of aimed at myself. And now…finding a topic is really hard. How do you end a blog? How do you make a post to cap it all off? Or, better put, how to I write my last blog post for a paper that’s been a part of my life for four years, and a school that’s been a part of my life for 13?
I guess one of those “flashback” episodes is in order. You know, that trend from the 80s/90s/whatever where instead of a regular episode they’d play highlights from all the previous episodes. I guess the blog equivalent is going over ideas and points from all the previous blog posts.
So. Serve Christ. Do everything you do for him, working for him. Don’t procrastinate or make excuses. Not only does the Bible call us not to be lazy, but if you keep making excuses, you might never actually make anything. What’s the fun in that? Be polite to others. Respect others when you go to see a movie, respect their creative ideas and their movie tastes. Seek to grow in your art. This ties into the excuses one. If you keep making movies, you’ll learn something with each one you make. And, one more time, for good measure:
Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” (ESV)
Don’t give up. Seek and show God’s beauty. Work for him, and give all the glory to God. Whether you do it with your iPhone in your spare time, or work on the biggest production in the world, take your lens and share God’s truth.
And with that… guess I won’t see you around the campus. I’m going to miss The Feather. Have a great next year! And Soli Deo Gloria.
If you want to contact me, I can be reached via Twitter @ejLadd or by my email, [email protected].
To see more from Frame Rate, check out Frame Rate: Houdini and Doyle Shows Promise.