Why are Americans so fat? One answer lies in amateur filmmaker Morgan Spurlock?s controversial documentary, Super Size Me. In this documentary, Spurlock explores the realm of fast food industries and the epidemic of obesity in America.
The Surgeon General states that 60 % of Americans are either overweight or obese. Yet each day, one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant.
Where is the line drawn between personal responsibility and corporate accountability?
It is time for the public to become aware of these issues and do something about them.
Spurlock presents both sides of the issue by noting spending trends in fast food commercials and advertisements. In 1972, $3 billion was spent on advertising fast food. We now spend approximately $110 billion.
Corporations should be held accountable for their side of the issue. Copious amounts of spending on advertising can not go unnoticed.
Recently, several lawsuits have emerged against the fast food industry, with McDonald?s taking the brunt of the cases. One key factor in the lawsuit was whether the accusers could prove McDonalds? food was harmful to the body.
The film aims to answer this question, with Spurlock going on a 30-day binge of only McDonald?s food.
It was unbearable to watch Spurlock consume such and overwhelming amount of fast food. You almost get angry at him for torturing himself like that.
Watching the film led to an utter disgust of what he was putting in his body. On the second day of his binge, Spurlock vomited immediately after inducing a double cheeseburger.
With this type of unhealthy food being served in schools across the nation, students are vulnerable to the overwhelming effects of pre-packaged, preservative filled meals. As of the year 2000, the Surgeon General claims that one in three children will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
This film opened my eyes to the fast food industry and made me question my beliefs about corporate greed and lifestyle choices. After watching this film, I decided to only eat fast food once a week.
For more facts on national obesity and the fast food industry, visit the movie?s online site, www.supersizeme.com. For additional facts supporting Super Size Me visit www.mcspotlight.org/issues/intro.html.