Dear Editor,
I appreciate the forum that is available here and I would like to ask the students to think about the “Fresno Christian Idol” idea that is going around campus right now. Isn’t that an oxymoron?
The definition of “idol” according to New Webster’s dictionary is: “an image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship”. I know there is a TV show using that idea, but they are operating under standards of their own.
If we are to call Fresno Christian a Christian School…then I would assume that the standards of the Ten Commandments are the ideals that we use as a basis for our acts, policies and procedures.
Though we trust in Jesus and don’t follow “rules” to get to heaven, when God says in the Ten Commandments not to worship idols, I think He means it. We don’t want to confuse those who need us to point to Jesus as the only person worthy of worship.
Therefore, though it may be a semantic exercise, I don’t believe the words “Fresno Christian” and “idol” belong in the same thought. It makes me uncomfortable.
Is there anyone else that may feel as I do? Would the video production class perhaps be willing to sacrifice the connection to modern culture (using the “idol” theme) and look for another way or wording to promote their talent/no talent search?