Four years have come and gone but I?m not ready to leave. I can still remember coming into class on the first day of high school over an hour late. At that moment, I was ready to be done with high school.
Four years later and now I am wishing I had just one of those years back. Just one year, so I could fix the mistakes I made. One year of my life that I could relive with 20/20 hindsight.
Four years of my life have been spent waking up and coming to the same brick building day after day. Many times I hope for a tornado to come and give me a new landscape to look upon. It never came, and the four years blew by quicker than a tornado.
Four years I stayed at school long after five o?clock, practicing for the next big game. Four years of building relationships with players and coaches alike. Years of spending long hot hours out on the field, only to experience defeat.
Four years of my like spent attending functions such as Sadies, Night of the Stars and homecoming rallies. Countless lunches spent in the leadership room planning events and organizing activities. I worked many long weekends and long nights building a float, just to come in last place.
Four years of my life spent attending Fresno Christian High School and yet, I wouldn?t trade a single day. Everyone makes mistakes and we learn from them. I wouldn?t want to go through my four years of high school wishing I had done this or hadn?t done that.
It?s a good thing that the tornado never came because then where would my education be? Is a loss on the athletic field actually a loss in life? People learn more from losses than they do from wins. Those long weekends and nights spent building floats were actually spent building lifelong friendships.
Four years wasted? I wouldn?t call it wasted. Maybe some times well spent and some decisions made foolishly. If you were to ask me if I would trade a single high school experience, the answer would be no.